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FALL 2016

out. Fishing was discouraged even before the area was

officially a marine preserve.

According to the group EcoWatch, which interviewed

Castro on the subject in 2014, he deemed marine

conservation to be important for Cuba. “Castro told

us that he had fished and dived the extraordinary reef

(Jardines de la Reina) over its entire 60-mile length.…

He also told us about his personal evolution as an

environmentalist. He began as an avid marlin fisherman

and spearfisherman who slaughtered many marine

species on the reef, assuming the oceans were infinite

and could never be depleted, … then he met with marine

conservationist Jacques Cousteau. That meeting helped

transform Castro into a committed environmentalist. He

has committed to preserve 25 percent of Cuba’s waters

from extractive fishing as marine preserves, while the U.S.

lags, preserving less than 2 percent of our coastal waters.”

In 1996 the Gardens of the Queen officially became a

marine preserve — one of the largest in the Caribbean.

This is significant in many ways; it goes far beyond the

dive tourism we enjoyed for a week this past July. As the

New York Times

observed in an article on July 14, 2015,

the U.S. and Cuba are two countries whose ecosystems

are closely interconnected, the environmental successes

or missteps of one affecting the health and productivity

of the other.”

“When you have two areas that are 90 miles

away, it’s not only possible but it’s probable that a

considerable number of eggs and larvae are moving

between Cuban and American reefs,” Jake Kritzer,

an ocean and fisheries expert at the Environmental

Defense Fund, told the

New York Times


Jorge Angulo-Valdés, a senior scientist at Havana

University’s Center for Marine Research, also

observed, “Our two countries are connected by the

water, and fish and other organisms move freely there.

They don’t need a visa to come down or go up.”

A study by marine biologist Fabián Pina Amargós,

director of Cuba’s Center for Coastal Ecosystem

Research, found that fish populations have increased

30 percent since the preserve was established, and

shark populations are 10 times greater within the

protected zone than in the waters outside.

Now that I’ve visited the Gardens of the Queen I

can revise my assessment of Cuba diving. With an

impressive density of marine life and pristine coral

reefs, “overwhelmed” is more like it.


We traveled to Cuba on a People to People International

program. Even though diplomatic relations are thawing

and commercial flights from the U.S. to Cuba resumed

Aug. 31, 2016, travel to Cuba is not without regulation.

Simple tourism is still prohibited by statute, but there are

12 categories of authorized travel, including journalistic

activity, public performances or sports competitions,

professional research and meetings, humanitarian

projects and educational activities.

As part of our program we visited Havana, which

was worth the trip if for no other reason than to see

the people, the architecture and the cars from 1950s

Detroit that still rule the roads. Having grown up in

an era when as a child I could name every car on the

road, whether DeSoto, Studebaker, Ford, Plymouth

or Chevrolet, Havana was astonishing. To the endless

fascination of American tourists of a certain age, the

city was filled with dream cars from the days before

I could drive. The Baby Boomers on our bus kept

shouting out “’57 Bel Air,” “’58 T-Bird,” “’52 Buick,”

“’56 Fairlane!” My 23-year-old daughter didn’t share

our enthusiasm for old cars, but even she knew this

was a situation unique in the world — a function

of five decades of embargo that forced Cubans to

be resourceful and respectful of their cars. There

was much to appreciate about Havana; I don’t think

you could visit and not be impressed by the culture,

history and fine dining.

The Jardines de la Reina are a group of 250 coral

and mangrove islands 60 miles offshore, so factoring

in our travel time from Havana and the boat ride to

the dive sites, the first day would be fully dedicated

to travel. Once we joined our liveaboard we quickly

shoved off to sea, enjoying lunch and what was to

become our collective passion for the week: mojitos

— concoctions of white rum, lime juice, sugar, soda

water and crushed mint. We were happy to indulge in

a drink or three, as we wouldn’t be diving that day.


Checkout dives are often done at some crappy reef

where nothing can be harmed by an errant fin stroke

or poor buoyancy control. With that in mind I was

pleasantly surprised to see massive and pristine pillar

corals punctuating the seafloor at

Boca de Anclitas


A friendly queen angel darted between the spires of

this giant coral colony, making for a great photo op

with my daughter as model. A pair of Nassau grouper

kept nudging ever nearer my housing’s dome port.

Whether they were seeing themselves in the reflection

or had targeted me as a potential fish-feeder, I wasn’t

quite sure. Soon after our first giant stride it became

clear that these fish did not associate divers with