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read about, for example, the West Greenland cold-

water prawn fishery or the North Pacific albacore tuna

fishery, among dozens of others around the world.

“If you want to keep it simple, just look for the MSC

label,” Corsiglia said. “Or if you want to look under the

hood, there are public assessment reports for every fishery.

All the stakeholder comments are available publicly.”

“MSC has a staff of about 150 people working

around the globe to analyze government data and

assess fisheries,” he continued. “The group’s sustainable

fisheries standard was developed in the late-1990s with

input from industry, governments, nongovernmental

organizations (NGOs) and the science and academic

communities. The standard is also periodically

reviewed (with multiple stakeholders) as new science

emerges, and the latest update occurred two years ago.”

About 10 percent of the total global catch is MSC

certified. While in some regions it’s much higher (in

the U.S. Pacific Northwest, for instance, 83 percent of

the fisheries are certified), the developing world can

pose a challenge for the MSC — especially nations in

which the government doesn’t collect data on fisheries.

In these cases, the MSC tries to help. “We do a lot of

work with fisheries to help them find funding — both

charitable and government — to help them gather data,”

Corsiglia said.


More than 85 percent of the fish and shellfish

Americans eat is imported, and a great deal of it comes

from Asia. A cascade of news reports about slavery and

other human rights violations in the fishing industry,


as well as growing concern about farming practices

and antibiotics use in China, Thailand and other parts

of Asia, have raised concern among some consumers

interested in fair and sustainable food.

While there has historically been a lack of transparency

about Asian seafood in the U.S., Seafood Watch’s Bigelow

and Voorhees can attest to some significant changes

on the horizon. While Bigelow says the vast majority

of Asian imports still fall into the red “avoid” category

in their seafood guides, a number of Asian companies

are expressing interest in reaching consumers who care

about how their fish is caught and raised.

“Those companies are coming to us for advice about

how to get out of the red and how to get into the

green,” he said. “In the beginning it was just [Seafood

Watch] talking to consumers, and now that has

shifted completely to where we are sitting down with

these governments to talk about how they can create

sustainable products.”

Voorhees has made several trips to Asia to consult

on best aquaculture practices, and he and other Seafood

Watch staff are working with a group called the Asian

Seafood Improvement Collaborative to broker a stronger

connection to Asian producers.


In the Thai shrimp

industry, for example, which was particularly hard-hit by

disease recently, Voorhees says he has seen “almost the

entire industry switching to a more closed-pond system”

in an act of self-preservation that will also cut down

significantly on pollution.

“We’re excited about where it’s going,” Bigelow

added. “We hope a lot of those industries are turning

the tide.”


The aquaculture industry has grown rapidly in recent years, and its

growing pains (problems such as escapes, disease and pollution)

affected its reputation among ecologically minded consumers. Wild-

caught seafood, however, is not without its own problems, including

bycatch and diminishing stocks.


1. Consumer guides. Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch.

2. Ocean acidification: the other carbon dioxide problem. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


3. 1 in 5 seafood samples mislabeled worldwide, finds new Oceana report.


4. What we do. Marine Stewardship Council.

5. An AP investigation helps free slaves in the 21st century. Associated Press. March 24, 2015,–Sept. 8, 2016.

6. Building consensus and strategies for sustainability in the Asian seafood industry. Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative.

