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amount of data from hypobaric chamber exposures that

suggest that the physiological risk may vary somewhat

across the menstrual cycle, with a slightly elevated risk

during the first half of the cycle. Practically speaking,

even if women do have a slightly elevated physiological

risk in comparison to males, a tendency toward more

conservative practice may reduce the net risk.


Compromised circulation resulting from

prior injury has been viewed as a possible risk factor,

but with little empirical evidence. The presence of a

patent foramen ovale (PFO) has the potential to alter

circulation by allowing a volume of blood to reach

the systemic circulation without undergoing filtration

through the lung. PFO has been identified as a risk

factor in serious DCS. Perspective is required, though,

for while the frequency of PFO is fairly high (about 25

percent of the population), the incidence of serious

DCS is low. The degree of patency varies and can be

important. PFOs are also not the only way to move

bubbles into arterial circulation. Bubbles can cross in

the lungs, particularly during exercise (while or after

climbing out of the water, for example). Dive profiles

that minimize bubble formation provide the greatest

protection since there will be no bubbles to cross over.

Biological health.

A host of factors

falling under

the category of

biological health

may influence


stress. Some

probably play

minor roles, while

others may play

important roles

that have not yet

been fully defined.

Nutritional status, for example, is important for

general health and physical fitness and may influence

the biochemical response to decompression stress.

Similarly, the potential interaction between drugs and

diving is another area with virtually no research data

but legitimate concerns. Genetic predisposition and

epigenetic expression likely also have importance that

is just beginning to receive research attention.


Acclimatization is defined as

adaptive change in response to repeated natural

exposure. The effect may be positive or negative.

Repetitive diving could influence decompression

stress, and not just through the presence of residual

inert gas. Positive acclimatization could produce a

reduction in the biochemical response — effectively

a desensitization that may reduce the magnitude of

the insult. Negative acclimatization could produce a

heightened response — effectively a sensitization to

decompression stress. The published data relevant

to diving are conflicting, which may be in part a

reflection of how divers dive. The effect of positive

acclimatization could easily be masked by patterns of

increasing exposure intensity over dives in a series.


Most personal factors that affect decompression stress

can be modified. Maintaining reasonable levels of

physical fitness, nutrition, restfulness and hydration

all contribute to good health and good diving health.

Good health can reduce physical limitations and the

need for medication.

When selecting dive buddies, divers should consider

compatibility of goals, risk tolerance, skills, knowledge

and capabilities. A shared understanding of both risk and

best practices can improve operations and readiness.

Thoughtful and well-informed divers know far more

than current dive computers about conditions that may

affect risk during a dive — and likely they will know

far more than dive computers for many years to come.

Being conscious in real time of conditions that may alter

risk can make it easier to build in appropriate buffers

to promote safety. Small changes toward conservatism,

when applied across a variety of factors, can enhance

safety with little impact on what can be accomplished

during a dive.



1. Pollock NW. Factors in decompression stress. In: Pollock NW, Sellers SH, Godfrey JM, eds. Rebreathers and Scientific Diving. Proceedings of

NPS/NOAA/DAN/AAUS June 16-19, 2015, Workshop. Wrigley Marine Science Center, Catalina Island, CA; 2016; 145-56. Available at: http://www.

2. Gerth WA, Ruterbusch VL, Long ET. The influence of thermal exposure on diver susceptibility to decompression sickness. NEDU Technical Report

06-07. November 2007.