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was experiencing a little known malady I had recently

read about and had witnessed before. His rapid

improvement further corroborated my theory that he

was experiencing immersion pulmonary edema (IPE).

IPE, which is abnormal leakage of fluid from the

bloodstream into the alveoli during immersion, can

occur in anyone immersed in water, even swimmers. The

injured swimmer or diver develops a cough, has difficulty

breathing, develops raspy breathing and often spits up

frothy, blood-tinged liquid from the lungs. The symptoms

may suddenly become acute when the person surfaces,

because this represents the point of greatest ambient

pressure differential between the mouth and the chest.

IPE has been reported in healthy, young individuals such

as triathletes and combat swimmers as well as across the

entire spectrum of the diving community, including people

with reported heart and lung conditions. The onset may be

very rapid or may develop over time and can even worsen

over the course of daily, repeated immersion. During

immersion, especially in cold water, blood is redistributed

from the extremities to the lungs. When the victim is no

longer in the water this edema gradually subsides.

When a diver or swimmer has difficulty breathing,

they may panic, aspirate water and possibly drown. A

diver may skip decompression obligations or ascend

rapidly and experience additional barotrauma. For

this reason, and because the symptoms can resolve

rapidly once the diver is out of the water (often before

reaching the dock or hospital), this phenomenon may

be underreported and often misdiagnosed. Whether

considered a panic attack or a result of ill-fitting or

malfunctioning gear, cases of IPE may be completely

overlooked. Despite the fact that our boat included

safety officers, first responders, dive instructors and

other experts, few of them had ever heard of IPE.

Studies have revealed that several external factors,

including cold water, exercise and high work of

breathing, may create the perfect IPE scenario.

Numerous internal factors, such as hypertension,

other cardiac issues, cardiovascular disease and

excessive hydration, may also increase the likelihood of

experiencing IPE. Some people seem to be susceptible

to IPE; these people include, surprisingly, elite athletes as

well as people with known cardiac and pulmonary issues.

IPE is diagnosed by exclusion (ruling out other

possibilities), so it is vital that anyone experiencing

symptoms seeks immediate medical attention. Other

conditions that could cause similar symptoms, such

as a heart attack or DCI, need to be considered first.

Hyperbaric treatment is not needed for IPE, and

symptoms generally resolve completely in 24-48 hours.

Follow-up care involves medical assessment by a

physician (one trained in dive medicine, if possible) who

can rule out any other issues that need addressing and

look for conditions that may contribute to future IPE

susceptibility before recommending a return to diving.

I’m happy to report that within six hours of the

emergency’s onset, our victim transitioned from his

dive accident to socializing with friends at the end of a

long day. In between was an evacuation, an ambulance

ride, an emergency room assessment, tests and a visit

with a hyperbaric specialist. It was great to have a good

ending to this very serious event, being in the company

of good dive buddies, who all played an important role

in our friend’s rescue and treatment.

Another positive aspect of this experience was the

realization that we were properly prepared to handle a

diving emergency. The boat crew were well trained and

equipped with oxygen and first-aid equipment. Rescuers

stayed calm and levelheaded, as did the victim, who

got himself safely to the surface without missing his

decompression obligations or making a rapid ascent.

This incident highlights the importance of training,

diving research and education. It is foolish, in my

experienced opinion, to dive without DAN dive

accident insurance; even if you never use it, you will be

supporting important work that helps our community

better understand and mitigate diving risks.



Moon RE, Martina SD, Peacher DF, et al. Swimming-induced pulmonary edema pathophysiology and risk

reduction with sildenafil. Circulation 2016; 133(10):988-96. doi: 10.1161/circulationaha.115.019464.

Peacher DF, Martina SD, Otteni CE, et al. Immersion pulmonary edema and comorbidities: case series and

updated review. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2015; 47(6):1128-34. doi: 10.1249/mss.0000000000000524.

Wester TE, Cherry AD, Pollock NW, et al. Effects of head and body cooling on hemodynamics during

immersed prone exercise at 1 ATA. J Appl Physiol 2009; 106:691–700. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.91237.2008

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